Jumat, 13 Mei 2011

Jung Min in Angie Cai's Birthday Party 05.13.11

apparently Jung Min left for Taiwan to attend Angie Cai's birthday party which was yesterday.From the video it seems that Jung Min is the guest of honor in Angie Cai's birthday party. I see Vanness Wu and Jerry Yan but they weren't given that much attention.

Yay, why do I get a bad feeling about that kiss.I just don't find it right. Oh well...

She's Angie Chai, the top Taiwan drama producer, from Comic Ritz, half of Jung Min's company CNR. She chose him as her next rising star, so she's promoting him at her birthday party. JM is fond of her, like a Mama Boss. XD; Don't get upset over it. Just think of it as fanservice. ^^;

Producer Angie Chai turned 49 today (13th), she held a birthday party last night, F4 Jerry Yan and Vaness Wu, South Korea SS501 member Park Jung Min, and her boyfriend, Taiwan Sony Music (Greater China) Chairman Cui Zhendong attended the birthday party.

Park Jung Min’s kiss

Park Jung Min’s input array was not lost, he gave Angie Chai a kiss in front of the public, and even gave her a loving hug. She was even asked to give a french kiss, she laughed and said ‘He is not my boyfriend, he is my son!’

He went to LE MERIDIEN Hotel for Angie Cai’s birthday party

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